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date: 06-15-2011comment poster: theres
a reason you are clueless

date: 06-15-2011comment poster: clueless
I dont see the problem with that stance but dont play line so idk

date: 06-15-2011comment poster: Fat Willy
Has always and will always line up like that, if his feet are parallel to the LOS a quick rushers be

date: 06-15-2011comment poster:
@hahaha- LMAO! That is hilarious. First year playing center. Enjoyed it also. Damn was it really tha

date: 06-15-2011comment poster: hahaha
LOCS blocking was excellent...snaps are another story. The snaps looked like an end-over-end punt...

date: 06-15-2011comment poster:
locs at center...really?

date: 06-15-2011comment poster: William OL
Didn`t Swami tell you to stop lining up like that W1LL?
