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date: 06-22-2011comment poster: i
prob wouldnt risk my sight playing falg after that

date: 06-22-2011comment poster: ^ ^ ^
Yea, he was the one who got hit in the face earlier in the year and now has to wear those for protec

date: 06-22-2011comment poster: Sunglasses??
At night?? C`Mon Man!!!

date: 06-22-2011comment poster: Better than U think
That O line was better than you think. The center can catch really well. He is a safety net for the

date: 06-20-2011comment poster: how
was that O line?

date: 06-20-2011comment poster: Really
Wow, racist jokes. Didn`t realize white Boyz weren`t allowed to play football. Those white boyz won

date: 06-17-2011comment poster: ^ ^ ^
Caucasian would be the better term.

date: 06-17-2011comment poster: ^ ^

date: 06-15-2011comment poster: LMAO
Now this is what I call a PIC!
