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date: 12-09-2012comment poster: s1g2179
Appreciate the Congrats Cody!! Thanks, and I am sure some of our team will continue to play but the

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: Josh
CVFA and IFFL are talking about doing some cross league games this winter as well Cody. Put 7 point

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: s1g3663
Thanks TW and CVFA. Will reach out to both real soon.

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: CVFA
We have done that in the past for out of town teams; you come down every other week for a double hea

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: Tw-Primetime
Talk to Claude I think that`s how who u wit got into wwffa couple years ago

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: s1g3663
yeah i know. Guys were talking out that fields they need to set up like a league vs league day or a

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: @Cody
They won`t retire no matter what they say and to be honest as a competitor we don`t want them to ret

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: s1g3663
Great Tournament. Congrats Gunz........again. Now retire, lol!!!

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: Trick
Those bamas jus win period ya heard they str8 killin it

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: Thank you
Tom :) for all the updates

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: Haha
Come on man

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: Damn
But no lead is safe

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: Time

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: Let`s go

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: Where
Is the D in this game

date: 12-09-2012comment poster: Update?
