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VIEW :: ALL SEASONS :: Spring 2008 album :: 05/11/08, 11:50 photos

"Hut, Hut !"
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Shawn waits till the last moment to let er rip."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Throwing to his other option."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Jermaine makes a clutch interception as Jonathan and Sam fol"
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Shawn , Robbie and Chris move in on an errant pass."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"JR giving Shawn a lane."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Throwing to the open man."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Jermaine getting up for the catch."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Trav J putting on the moves after the catch."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Shawn taking off for another gain."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Short making another cluthc reception."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Short hitting second gear."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

"Robbie taking it to the house."
date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50

date: 05/11/08, 11:50