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Top Rivals
opponent | rec vs | streak | Kryptoknights | (5-4) | W 2 | m&gatron | (1-4) | L 1 | The Outlanders | (5-0) | W 5 | G.S.O.E. | (4-0) | W 4 | The Circus | (3-0) | W 3 | [view all matchups] |
| Recent Seasons 2015 Spring | | Harrisonburg Flag Football Association | (6-2) | 2014 Winter | | Virginia Flag Football Association | (1-1) | 2014 Fall | | Harrisonburg Flag Football Association | (6-1) | 2014 Spring | | Harrisonburg Flag Football Association | (5-2) | 2013 Fall | | Harrisonburg Flag Football Association | (4-2) | [view all seasons/details] |
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