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 subject: "Practice Sunday Feb. 10 at 12:00"

Feb 06, 2008
11:30 PM
Practice this Sunday, very important. Please contact Leigh, Tay, or myself if you will not be able to make it.

Feb 10, 2008
06:31 AM
subject: re: Practice Sunday Feb. 10 at 12:00

I will not beable to make practice today. I am at work and will be here until 6 pm. I will be at practice next sunday tho.

Feb 13, 2008
7:21 PM
subject: re: Practice Sunday Feb. 10 at 12:00

Good work this past Sunday for the people that were there....
Chip, Damon, FU, J.J., Jeff, Jesse, Jose, Leigh, Nate, Ralphie, Rich, Steve, Stone, Tay, Will.

For everyone that wasn`t there, it hurts the team and the people that are putting in work when you aren`t there...
Detron, Dre, Glenwood, Mike, Mo, Speedo, T.J., Tone, and Vince

Some people do have legit reasons for not being there and we definitely understand, thanks for letting us know. Each practice I`ll list people there and not there.

Feb 14, 2008
11:21 AM
subject: re: Practice Sunday Feb. 10 at 12:00

Thats a good idea Bradshaw