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 subject: "let`s get ready for Sunday"

Mar 25, 2008
6:25 PM
Do everybody know about were trying to get everyone together to go over some thing for Sunday so I hope to see everyone there, if u can`t make it please give some body a call to lets somebody know that u can`t make it or give me a call my # 757 675-4949 let me know and I will tell the team when i get there that u couldn`t make it . I want to beat the shit out of these guys, they get all over the messageboard talking about how they whip us some weeks back now its time for us to do the same so lets get ready.

Mar 29, 2008
09:32 AM
subject: re: let`s get ready for Sunday

Hey fella lets get out there and whoop they ass and show the league this dawg squad aint no fluke this is serious business

Apr 08, 2008
12:26 PM
subject: re: let`s get ready for Sunday

to bad it didnt work. LMAO. We got our asses whipped.