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 subject: "dawgz football"

Feb 26, 2008
5:56 PM
Its time to get it on, lets watch other teams so we can get a heads up on things, Lets do this and win the spring league.

Feb 27, 2008
9:26 PM
subject: re: dawgz football

Let`s get it!!!!!!

Mar 14, 2008
02:03 AM
subject: re: dawgz football

i hope you guys do what is expected out ya`ll don`t fall short
Peace out this is really Wiggins

Mar 15, 2008
07:32 AM
subject: re: dawgz football

what do u mean don`t fall short , r u saying that were going to fall short to the bads playing team in the league get out of here, somebody needs to tape this game and put it on some kind of tape or email for u so u can get it because its going to be bad real bad and ugly don`t forget that.

Mar 15, 2008
07:37 AM
subject: re: dawgz football

to the team we need to be there at 11:45 to get dress and ready to do what we got to do to take care of these teams that were playing the road just get a little harder every week so we need to step are game up and get shit right on both side of the ball. So be there at 11:45 or 12:00 see u guys at the field ready to whip some azz.
#1 Saint

Mar 15, 2008
10:07 PM
subject: re: dawgz football

Right on Meat... Guys try to be there at 11:30 so that we can be dressed and ready for pre-game warm-ups at 11:45 - 12:00. We need to have everyone dialed in and ready to ga at gametime. See you boyys on the field.

Mar 17, 2008
4:06 PM
subject: re: dawgz football

Hey guys good job yesterday lets keep up the pressure and continue whoop some ass week in and week out GO DAWGS