VFFA staff
Dec 01, 2009 10:21 PM | subject: re: adding a player
I know the answer! Please read this waiver on the back of the "roaster".
By signing the Roster on the reverse, I verify that I have been a member in good standing throughout the regular season with the Team and League herein named. I further verify that I have sufficiently trained for this sport and will not hold the Team, the League, the VFFA , the VFFA_____ officers, sponsors, or officials, the host parks & recreation department, or any other tournament related person or organization responsible for injuries incurred by me during the VIRGINIA FLAG FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Championship Tournament.
We, the undersigned, responsible for this Team throughout the regular season, certify that the Team Roster below is true and correct and that no additional players have been added to this team in order to enhance it’s success during the State Tournament. We further understand that forfeits will result if players were added and that the VFFA__ Board of Directors may determine to take further action towards such Team and League regarding their participation in future State Tournaments. - RCJ