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FFC Warriors History & Info

In 2007, a few men of Faith and Family Church (FFC) got together and formed a flag football team, which competed for several seasons in the Chesterfield Flag Football League. The Warriors enjoyed good success in the Chesterfield League, earning 2 state bids to the Virginia State Flag Football tournament in just 2 years of participation (4 seasons - fall/spring). Although the time spent in the CFFL was memorable, the Warriors felt that God had something else for Christian athletes to accomplish in the Richmond metro area. The Lord placed on the heart of the Warriors leadership, a vision for a Christian Flag Football league within the Richmond Metropolitan area.

Although we are called to be a light in a dark world (Mat 5:16), which is what the Warriors felt their call was in the CFFL, we are also called to be an encouragement to one another. Paul commands us in 1st Thessalonians, to comfort yourselves together, and edify one another. In Romans, he tells us to not judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother`s way. Truly, we are all of one body, covered by one blood, and this is Jesus Christ.

The Warriors of FFC are striving to bring the body of Christ together in Christian competition and fellowship. The psalmist writes, "behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" Our desire is that through Christian competition, we might shine forth a light of Love to a community, a city, and even a state, in a manner befitting the call given to us by Christ Jesus.

The Warriors have experienced much success in such a small window with the football ministry at FFC. Lives have been saved, brothers and sisters have joined the church, families are rejoicing together, and brothers are on fire for God.