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date: 12-23-2011comment poster: fan
You guys sooooooooooooooo gay!!!!!!!!!!!!

date: 12-23-2011comment poster: LMAO
His pushing him down in the back "Saying stay down baby your taking this right up the butt"

date: 12-23-2011comment poster: inside info
dude on his knees is g a y 4 real!!he thinks he is a great player but he really just wants to mee

date: 12-22-2011comment poster: Snappy
The gimp is about to take it in the rear!

date: 12-14-2011comment poster: Um
I see a flag in his hand looks like he dove for a flag and got it.

date: 12-14-2011comment poster: -
looks like someone got pancaked!

date: 12-14-2011comment poster: ha ha ha
he`s a damn clown!!!

date: 12-13-2011comment poster: good stuff
let me help you down...i mean up
