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Toughspects Messageboard
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poll question: "Who is the Defensive Player of the Year?"
Tone1   9%
Carson0   0%
Neil0   0%
Marvin1   9%
Rod9   81%
Wade0   0%
Deon0   0%
Rick0   0%
Ferg0   0%
Nate0   0%


Jan 10, 2008
10:59 AM
Who is the Defensive Player of the Year?

Jan 12, 2008
01:03 AM
subject: re: Who is the Defensive Player of the Year?

yo we play great team defense. wade ferg erik lavar and deon allow the linebackers and dbs run around in the zone and make plays on the ball. we got tons of speed all over the field, but the standout performance this season goes to rod in my opinion. Tone had it last season and i hope others are motivated to try to get that nod from their teamates. everybody needs to workout independently to make themselves better, lead by example, and hopefully we will all learn something from one another.