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 subject: "Field Status and Contingency Plans"

visiting commissioner

Dec 13, 2013
5:15 PM

Just to be clear, we are playing tomorrow. We`ve been told by Parks and Rec to use our own discretion on whether to play or not on a field. That being said, we have a contingency plan for potential unplayable fields. Here`s what you need to know:

1) If a field is unplayable we will have a backup field identified.

2) All games that have to be moved to a new field will have their start time delayed by 1 hour to allow for teams to get to the new location.

3) Notification - We will use this message board, our social media sites, the RainedOut service (link below to all), and the phone number listed on your state entry form for your captain to inform you IF your field has changed. We also will update our local weather hotline.

4) We will have someone posted at any fields that close re-directing stragglers to the correct field.

Social Media Links:
Facebook -

Twitter - @VFFA_Flag

RainedOut - This is a service you can sign up for that ww will broadcast changes on, it will text and/or email you when we make a change.

Weather Hotline - (703) 582-1356 We`ll update the message here IF there are field closures.

Again, let me stress, WE ARE PLAYING! And we will only make announcements IF there are changes!


Josh and Tom

Dec 13, 2013
5:36 PM
subject: re: Field Status and Contingency Plans

And the (other) VA leagues is how you run the BEST league in all of VA. Aint nobody have commish(s) like Josh and Tom…no one!!!!
^^^ so

Dec 13, 2013
5:59 PM
subject: re: Field Status and Contingency Plans that a good thing or a bad one? Lol
Dorey park

Dec 13, 2013
7:18 PM
subject: re: Field Status and Contingency Plans

We never have these problems at dorey keep states there

Dec 13, 2013
8:28 PM
subject: re: Field Status and Contingency Plans

Wish states were always here. Its run so much better.
Joker B #8

Dec 13, 2013
8:43 PM
subject: re: Field Status and Contingency Plans

Good Job guys


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